Why is my card getting declined?

I cant pay with card or i cant see the card option at all

On some products, we wont offer credit/debit card as a payment method. There will be no option called credit card. However if your getting a card declined error, here could be some reasons:

First & Last Name (Must match the name on the Credit Card or Debit Card)

Billing & Shipping Address (Must be in the same country where the card was issued)

ZIP Number (Must be in the same country where the card was issued)

Phone Number (Must NOT use 123123,or any common set of random numbers)

Customers Current IP address MUST be in the same country as where your credit card was issued.

Email Address (Must be a valid email address) 

Please make a brand new forum account, add your product to cart and make sure everything such as adress and card numbers are completetly correct. 

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